Saturday, March 14, 2009

Great Eggspectations


We may have gotten off to a rotten start, but let us wipe the egg off our faces and we can get cracking on this thing soon... And that's no yolk... MORE>>

Friday, December 12, 2008



We know what you're thinking, "finally someone who shares my combined love of Doctor Seuss and George Michael." Well........ actually if that is what you are thinking please press alt+F4 to see a topless George Michael sing about Faith.

If you are still here we'd like to officially welcome you to Green Eggs and Wham!
Now before we go any further let's just get this out the way: Contrary to popular belief* this site is not dedicated to George Michael and everything WHAM! It was in fact the last humorous URL not yet registered on the internet (It's true, all the good names were taken!).

This is a place for us, chickenplucka and CaptainMalarkey, to voice our opinions on video games, electronics and other random geeky things that take our fancy, like cake.

And on the subject of cake, hit the jump to find out what other SWEET things we've got in store for readers of GEAW!... (smoothest segway I've ever seen - ed CM).

Currently in the works we've got:
-A review for Prince of Persia on the 360, PC and PS3.
-An in depth look at the new Xbox Experience.
-A review of the PS3 chatpad.
-An awesome competition for Gears of War fans.
-And loads of other top secret stuff that we have not yet thought of.

There's not much up yet, but stick around, you might just learn something and pickup some awesome prizes.


CaptainMalarkey and chickenplucka

*The actual popularity of this opinion is based solely upon speculation and may actually not be all that popular, in fact in may be rather a lonely opinion. If you see it, please give it a hug and make it feel wanted. Thankyou.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Coming Soon!

Keep an eye out!

More info coming soon.........


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